A Black Feather, A poison pen...


Akemashite omedetougozaimasu

Okay, back again, after several days of being insanely busy.

now you know why i don't go full-on and turn this thing in to a blog, i'd be hard pressed to keep it up if i did, besides, it's more within my comfort level to just pop up when i am good and ready and let loose.

Now for some freshly expressed bile:

Rush Limbaugh - rails against the ACLU for years and asserts for ages that the Constitution does not enumerate a right to privacy (conveniently ignoring the overlapping protections either explicitly spelled out or otherwise implied by the 4th, 5th, 9th and 10th amendments respectively)...Untillll... he gets busted for being a sleazy Oxycontin-popping hypocrite fuck who may also be guilty of laundering money and manipulating the medical system to perpetuate his addiction, at which point, he promptly argues that his "right to privacy" - which he has always sworn does not exist - is being violated, and the ACLU, consistent with their message, even if Rush is not consistent with his, agrees...and who said irony was dead? "Excellence in Broadcasting?" Hell no...More like Oxy-fiend in Broadcasting

Dennis Miller - recently Republican comedian, who when pressed has given any number of answers why his ideology has flip-flopped, ranging from taxes, to respect for Rudy Giuliani, to whatever else he can come up with when pressed... goes from - once upon a time - comparing congressional republicans like Newt "I'll lecture ameria about Family Values while divorcing my cancer-stricken wife to legitimize the affair i've been having with the aide i've been fucking for some time now" Gingrich to Hitler to criticizing MoveOn.org for a couple of unused ads from an political advert contest they ran which made some rather stark comparisons between Emperor Bunnypants and Hitler... Of course, since ol' Dennis is a good republican lapdog now, it's pretty clear that he got his talkingn points from...

Ed Gillespie - Republican National Committee chairman who has made it a point to piss and moan about the unsanctioned (and i repeat for Ed's thick little pointed skull) UNUSED ads from the MoveOn contest even though members of his own party made it a point during the period between 1993 and 2000 to equate Bill Clinton with Hitler everytime they opened their mouths, to say nothing of Rush's "Feminazi" remarks and the love of Assmonkeys like the folks at Newsmax and the inbreeds at Free Republic who like to refer to Hillary Clinton as "Hitlery"... But of course, these criticisms are from a gang of people who have long lost the awareness that yes, their shit does, in fact. stink. The same kind of hypocritical fucks who never fail to fail when it comes to practicing what they preach.

and don't even get me started on Chimpy McStagger's mission to the Moon... maybe he'll find the WMD's there/...

4:49 p.m. - 2004-01-15


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