A Black Feather, A poison pen...


How did we know? Their lips were moving

Tom Tomorrow knocks another one clean out of the park Here.

The Slactivist points out in better detail how the Chimperor's erstwhile administration has been changing their story as they go along vis a vis the subject of intelligence regarding Iraq and the threat of WMD's

And yet, oddly enough, the assortment of whores and republican lapdogs that constitute our So Called Liberal Media say nothing about how the administration has switched positions over the last eighteen months or so.

It goes a little something like this:

Sept. 2002: The CIA is underrepresenting the threat posed by Iraq.

Oct. 2002: The CIA needs to stop claiming that the White House is overstating the threat posed by Iraq.

Early 2003: In the battle between the White House and the CIA, the White House is right and the CIA is wrong: Iraq poses a far more serious threat than the CIA will admit.

Late 2003: Everyone agreed all along about the nature of the threat posed by Iraq. There never was a battle over the intelligence between the CIA and the White House.

Early 2004: The CIA overrepresented the threat posed by Iraq, overwhelming the White House in the battle over the intelligence.

What do you suppose they'll try to tell us next?

Damned good question.

Update: 5:35 PM
We can thank Rumsfeld's boy, Doug Feith and the rest of the old "Team B" crew from the Ford Administration for much o fthe horseshit that BushCo is shoveling lately...sigh, up is down and wrong is right with these people, and they will go ou t of their way to make sure you are hearing more about Janet Jackson's errant breast or some other tempest-in-a-teacup than how they have foisted their ideology off on us at the cost of thousands of lives and billions of dollars

1:24 p.m. - 2004-02-03


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