A Black Feather, A poison pen...


Ice skates on the Acheron tonight

Watched some of the video and read some of the various transcripts of White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan trying not to let his head detonate like a character in that old Cronenberg flick Scanners as a result of the media suddenly showing up and giving a shit about how much bullshit they've helped disseminate over the last three years on behalf of Chimpy.

Who the hell does McClellan think he's kidding? A few payroll records and some other (apparently heavily redacted) documents don't prove anything other than that he got paid. Where's Chimpy's DD214? Why haven't any of the Alabama guardsmen with whom he allegedly served stepped up to say "Yeah, he was here, he showed up"

And in reality, the worst part of the whole thing isn't so much that he avoided combat by capitalizing on family influence, or even that once he had his safe, cushy spot out of harm's way he just didn't bother to show up... No, the worst part of this is that he and his cult of devotees have tried to portray himself as some sort of valiant figure when the reality says that he wasn't.

It's that dishonesty coupled with his willingness to commit others to a fate he himself did not see fit to chance that gives this story validity.

Republicans, of course, keep insisting that it's "reckless" and "shameful" that we might question 'dear leader' on this matter, but at the same time, they have never shown nor will they ever show the slightest compunction about doing the same and worse. We saw eight years of examples of why their protests now are so flatly hypocritical as to make me almost want to vomit when they make with the whining.

In other news of course, you have the increasingly fucked up thought processes of Herr Chimpstain who is trying to convince Americans that outsourcing jobs overseas to countries where corporations can get away with paying less is a GOOD thing.

Really, George?

How in the tapdancing fuck do you figure that?

Clinton started this unfortunate ball rolling in earnest when he fucked-up and signed NAFTA (though to be honest, Perot was the only one between himself, Bush Sr., and Clinton who wasn't gonna sign that thing) but there has been a gradual and increasing hemhorraging of manufacturing sector jobs out of America since the 80's

The only way that Bush's outsourcing plan becomes workable would be if America becomes the low-paying third world nation that other coutries start outsourcing their jobs to, similar to when Japanese automakers began opening factories here in the US.

It might seem like hyperbole save for the impression i get that Labor Secretary Elaine Chao seems almost bound and determined to set the cause of labor back to the place where it was at before the turn of the previous century.

I'm almost waiting for her to just say "fuck it" and repeal the child labor regulations so that this Administration's corporate sponsors can put kids back in the coal mines

On another note, here is something i never thought i would say: I am actually proud of Bill O'Reilly for finally apologizing to the country for his blind devotion to Du(m)bya's cause as it relates to WMD's in Iraq in the wake of David Kay's report that no weapons have been found and indeed we may NEVER find ANY weapons of mass destruction whatsoever.

I must admit, though, i think O'Reilly cheapened his apology by pulling a BushCo move and trying to foist a measure of blame on George Tenet over at the CIA

something that would give me a perverse giggle would be if it were reported that Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter had all taken cyanide in a bunker somewhere. I'm sure Hannity and Ann would fight over who gets to have Rush call them "Eva" before it's over... heheheh

Seriously though...The only thing that could make today's news any better would be if there hadn't been any bombings in Baghdad that claimed upwards of 50 lives. The transition from tyranny to this strange sort of semi-managed anarchy has been a sad endeavor to see play out in the news on such a regular basis.

8:25 p.m. - 2004-02-10


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