A Black Feather, A poison pen...


clouds and eclipses stain the moon and the sun


Finally home, the coffee worn off, i can stop pretending for the office that the various landmines i stumbled over today didn't piss me off to the extent that they did. the public face of my illusin of cool stoicism carried off almost perfectly except for one little moment where somebody accosted me with a stupid question just as the pot of espresso had me a careening toward the men's room made all the worse for the fact that the only people to blame for the trouble i ran into are long since gone.

i laughed it off when i really wnted to scream...when i am not being scattershot i am relentlessly meticulous about things. anal retentinve to the point of bordering on pathological.

the day introduced a few other minor ripples in my mental pond, little details, missing my first bus in the morning, finding out that i'm all out of batteries for my walkman and stuck to having to listen to shitty radio shows in the morning until i buy more...shit like that...but nothing i haven't been through before and come out the other side only slightly more warped than when i started...it was the test of my competency and my patience that really torqued my shorts today

fuck all that though, i am home and reasonable sure that there are no more jolts or challenges until tomorrow...i can eat dinner now, and then i can engage in a little cathartic video violence...maybe tonight as i lie half-asleep in the vague half-light that cloudy nights seem to entail, i will listen for car-wrecks on the next street, there has been one every few days, there was one last night...screech of tires, crunch of metal and glass, seems to have replaced the once nightly serenade of gunfire i used to hear when i first moved in here.

Now spinning: A Means to an End - a tribute to Joy Division (Moby covering "New Dawn Fades")

7:41 p.m. - 2003-02-10


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