A Black Feather, A poison pen...


close enough for government work

knuckles are raw from chipping away the ice in my freezer as i defrosted it.

haven't listened to the radio in awhile as that would necessitate turning on the amp and having to listen to two stations at the same time and i think trying to maintain any semblance of sanity with that much cognitive dissonance (trying to listen to anything good while moldy crap is playing underneath at a level just loud enough to be obtrusive) going on in my head might just make me a teensy bit homicidal

i still need to look up FCC Part 15 rules and see if i can't lodge a complaint

i want to see if i can't arrrange to be conspicuously absent from work on thursday to avoid the bullshit dog-and-pony show that the agency honchos and building management are referring to as our Open House, fucking ignorant space monkeys expect people to reschedule important business around their little excercise in feel-good bullshit... i dunno, i guess maybe since it's an election year and our director is appointed by whomever is sitting in the big chair at Seventeen-Hundred, this may also be some effort at self-preservation on the part of the Director and his AD's

i have the a feeling, however that i will be duty-bound to show up

i don't mind doing the customer friendly glad-handing and other niceties during the regular course of business, but to me this open house reeks of all the phoniness that i had to go through at one tech job when we were in contention for the Malcolm Baldridge award or at my first tech job when we were trying to get our ISO 9001 certification and had to have a bunch of bullshit party-line answers to any questions given about such stupid nebulous concepts as "quality policies" and "mission statements"

[oh, hep me, jebus, i think i'm on a rant here]

if you ask me, the notion of TQM (total quality management) that was adopted by just about every level of business and government in the early 90's was the worst posible marriage of pop-psychology and corporate dishonesty, real motivation and incentive was replaced by cheap slogans, real customer service was abandoned in favor of paying lip-service to the idea, businesses wasted money on consultants who were paid ridiculous amounts of money to concoct nonsensical "mission statements" and "vision statements"

instead of "satisfied customers" we had candy-ass phrases like "delighted stakeholders" (i won't even touch the freudian implications of a phrase like that)

money that could have been put to better use was spent on consultants who found creative ways to tell us that even though we wouldn't get more in return ourselves, more was going to be expected of us so that the assholes in the upper echelons of management could increase their profit shares and stock options and that somehow we were beholden to these people who employed us for the privilege of allowing them to cornhole us relentlessly at every turn

when i worked for that cellular components outfit, one of the new guys on the night crew asked the silly question of whether or not we got a christmas bonus, to which i quickly retorted... "yeah, they bone us every christmas"... i hated it every time we hired some kid fresh out of a tech school who had been promised the yuppie ideal life and salary straight out of the gate by their school's promotional materials

... not around these parts... not when too many companies have been given free passes by typically pro-business, anti-worker republicans to turn this state's economy into a one more suited to a third world country... this state's fiscal policy over the past ten years has been proof that the "trickle-down" theory is a sad, pathetic joke (unless of course you happen to be in the upper ten percent of the tax barckets and then it works just fine)

10:43 a.m. - 2002-09-22


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