A Black Feather, A poison pen...


\"War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength\"

The summer is here again.

The calendar insists that there is yet a month before such a thing is technically true, my skin tells me otherwise. The brightness of the midday sun tells me otherwise, as does the glare that overwhelms my sunglasses and gives me a splitting headache that begins and ends just behind my eyes.

i will spend as much of the near future hidden again, hidden from the light of day, at least.

I think things like me are supposed to be nocturnal in these environments anyway. Most desert life is not stupid enough to do all of its living and moving about in the worst parts of the day.

On another front, i watch the little bits and pieces of debate about the FCC's proposed plan to relax the rules regarding media ownership. The current plan would allow for even less diversity in the media in terms of ownership, and as it is now, there are only some six companies who control miost of what the world sees and reads and listens to as it relates to the mainstream.

In a society that has become increasingly intolerant of open and honest debate, preferring to have it's opinions fed to it by wave after wave of ideologues and fear-mongers, the loss of or marginalization of those dissenting voices becomes more and more of a dangerous thing.

to quote the old comic strip Pogo "We have met the enemy, and he is us"

I'm noticing that in the last two weeks, the terrorist are coming out of the woodwork to blow shit up, which is exactly what those of us who opposed the war said would happen. So... i'd like the legions of check-mailing flag-waving pseudo-patriot lemmings to tell me again how precisely the war in Iraq made us safer from terrorism.

By the way, where exactly are those Weapons of Mass Destruction we heard so much about as being the provocation for the war? The same ones that Saddam used with out much dispproval from the guys who run DoD now back when they were angling with Saddam to try and get the Aqaba to Jordan pipeline built and make all that extra $$ for the then-Secretary of State George Schulz and his cronies over at Bechtel Corp. (yet another of the unholy trinity of suspiciously well-represented corporate interests in our current government along with Halliburton and the Carlyle Group.)

I'm not sure, but i might be paraphrasing H.L. Mencken when he said "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."

Between shit like FOX News, the thankfully dead phenomenon of manufactured, insubstantial teen-idols and the glut of shit that calls itself "Reality TV" and the obscene fortunes that it has made, i can see the veracity of that remark in clearer terms than i have since the days when there was once a plague upon the land called the New Kids on the Block, which, coincidentally enough happened during the heyday of the previous reign of unchecked corporate-sponsored stupidity in government

1:51 p.m. - 2003-05-21


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