A Black Feather, A poison pen...


grapeshot in all directions

Being the irritant in residence, pissing off one of my co-workers by savaging the content of the State of the Union address. Especially my harping about the whole "nukular" part of it.

Seriously though, i have to wonder how the man can purport to trying to fix the economy by depleting the government's revenue base while still increasing spending and trying to fund a war. That's like saying i'm going to try and run a marathon while occasionally stopping to amputate my legs incrementally from the toes.

The Ray-gun policy of tax relief for the upper brackets to stimulate investment and therefore generate economic growth and recovery didn't work in the 80's and it won't work now.

The basis for the belief in it is a purely theoretical one and relies too much on probability.

the only thing that the trickle down theory ever leaves in its wake is a yellow stain that smells vaguely of ammonia

Funny irony that George Bush senior would have made an ostensibly better president in terms of his domestic economic policy when he was competing against Reagan back in '80 and went so far as to dispute the validity of the idea, even mockingly calling it "Voodoo economics" during one of the debates between that slate of republican candidates (like i said before, i've been following politics since i was 8 years old and i never trusted Reagan) I was disappointed to see Bush Sr. take the VP slot and completely forsake his political identity in favor of an easy ride and the taint of his master's administration.

Not to say the man's a saint, nobody who was ever the Director of the CIA could be. but he would have at least been better than the washed up actor representing a political party who then has the nerve to scoff at the opinions of people from the same background as their totemic hack

for the record, Sean Penn never should have done the Larry King show to respond to Bill "I'm here to feed you your opinion and shout you down if you disagree with mine" O'Reilly...he came off like he was still in character for "I am Sam" and didn't help his cause any.

I lost respect for George Bush, Sr. when i was still a child learning the concepts of politics, I have never, nor will i ever respect the simian little marionette grinning vapidly at the smiling throng of Pavlov's legislators who enthused at his every paragraph of speech, especially not with guys like Rummy and Cheney pulling his strings

10:31 a.m. - 2003-01-29


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