A Black Feather, A poison pen...


By the way...

For all of you conservative types out there who might stumble across my little diary here and were offended by my previous entry...

too goddamn bad... i'm an equal opportunity offender...search back a few months and read my review of the show "Kingpin" and see that i don't consider myself above messing with members of my own ethnicity...

While i'm still on my rants here tonight, i have a question: Why is it that conservative types always talk about less government, but always seem more and more willing to give the government increasingly more and more invasive power... between the griping and bitching and sniveling from the conservative camp about the US Supreme Court overturning the Texas sodomy law today to the increasingly fascist secret-police style turn of the Attorney General's office, i'm seeing less government regulation of business, but i'm not really seeing any streamlining of government in and of itself... the truth is that given the right amount of hegemony and a willing and pliable supreme court, this country is only a hair's-breadth or two from having very clearly agenda-oriented agencies like the ones the Taliban had in Afghanistan like "The Office for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice"

I'm a voter and a taxpayer and frankly it bugs me that in spite of (and i do truly mean in SPITE of) the first amendment and the interpretation of it that denotes a separation between church and State that there is an agency of the federal government called the "Office of Faith Based Initiatives" which, while its goals may be admirable and charitable in and of itself, it opens that door to theocracy that we as a country are being programmed by these same politicians to fear because it is not the same as the religion and theocracy that our current leadership would prefer.

Quick note: The phrase "Under God" was added to the Pledge of Allegiance by the McCarthyists of the 50's to try and root out the "godless communists"

hey, other than China, communism is dead and i doubt it will last forever there either.

Quick question: Why did Dubya just sit there like a bump on a log for several minutes right after he was told about the WTC collapse..., also, did anyone ever catch his little freudian slip during one of those rousing propaganda vomit speeches of his where he said "The War on Terrorism" but instead it came out of his mouth as "The War on Freedom"?

Also, why are those prick Republicans planning on having their big convention pushed a little later into late August in NYC... do they plan on using what will be the third anniversary of the attacks as a campaign tactic? Doesn't that just sound creepy and exploitative?

11:43 p.m. - 2003-06-26


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