A Black Feather, A poison pen...


On a tear

Orcinus (and i'll update this with a link both to his blog and the document in question first chance i get) has an interesting essay about the subtle and not so subtle ways in which the political right-wing of this country is beginning to show some telltale signs of a telltale creep in the direction of fascism.

You have people like the "Freepers" (so named - by themselves, i might add - for their patronage of a rightwing political publication) who showed up and decided to use intimidation tactics to try and disrupt the Florida recounts in 2000

You have people like Ann Coulter who foam at the mouth that anyone who doesn't buy, part and parcel, into the Shrub's agenda is "objectively pro terrorist" or a traitor, even though it's funny that the people who she supports so vehemently are more inherently subversive to Constitutional principles than the critics she decries with such venom...and funnier still that she uses a tactic straight from the playbook of Hermann Goering in the process.

The advocacy of violence against those whose politics are ostensibly "liberal" is an inherently fascist notion.

Between Wally O'Dell of Diebold Corp. and his promise at a Republican fundraiser to "deliver the electoral votes to the President" (which is a rather ominous thing to hear from the mouth of a guy who works in the Electronic Voting Machine business) and the strident, almost psychotically aggressive tone adopted by the various Conservative talking heads in the so-called "Liberally Biased Media," I almost wouldn't be surprised to see the days leading up to Election 2004 disrupted by some sort of Pat Robertson/Rush Limbaugh/Ann Coulter - inspired version of Kristalnacht... I mean after all, old Pat is still walking around as a free man in spite of advocating the nuclear destruction of the HQ of a federal agency (and, by default, anything else unfortunate enough to be within the blast radius when it happens) and he was a supporter of former Liberian dictator Charles Taylor (a guy who sheltered a number of al-Qaeda operatives during a period before 9/11) and if i remember right, those sorts of things, under the USA PATRIOT Act constitute advocacy and material support of Terrorists...but since he's mostly playing on the same team as ShrubCo, there's no way John "theocracy waiting to happen" Aschroft or anyone else at USDOJ are actually going to enforce those laws against one of their own... he'd have to have a deeper tan and a scraggly beard before they'd consider touching him, much less deporting his ass to Guantanamo Bay where it belongs for some crap like that

10:57 p.m. - 2003-11-15


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