A Black Feather, A poison pen...


Matt writes great column....for me to poop on

That useless hunk of webspace known as the Drudge Report claims, in an article today, that, and i quote (since i won't give that prick the benefit of the link

"Active duty soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines are upset over being forced take part in a military repatriation ceremony today for remains believed to be those of the non-military brother of presidential candidate Howard Dean, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

"His brother will receive full military honors...flag over the coffin and all!" fumes one soldier, who asked not to be named.

Governor Dean is set to visit to the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC) and the repatriation of his brother to Hickam AFB, Hawaii.

The brother's remains were recovered in Laos by a JPAC recovery team this past month. JPAC's mission is to search, recover, and identify remains of US service members who were killed in previous wars.

During the Vietnam War, Dean's brother and an Australian friend treked into Laos as civilians -- and were captured by the Vietcong and killed.

JPAC was pressured to not only recover his brother's remains, but to bump Dean's recovery over numerous other MIA's who actually died fighting for their country, a well-placed military source tells the DRUDGE REPORT.

Additionally, JPAC is being pressured to push up Dean's brother's identification ahead of approximately a hundred other service members remains, it is claimed.

Says one source: "These service members were recovered from all US wars, whose families are waiting to finally get word that their loved one, who gave his life for his country has been identified and is finally coming home. It usually take 2 years plus for an identification. Apparently, this 'rush job' will be done in 4-6 months. That's not all, we are repatriating his Australian friend, with military honors, and pushing his identification ahead our service members also."

The military source continues: "We feel it is not only a slap in the face to the servicemembers who gave their lives for our great country, but also the men and women who are currently in harms way"

In the past, JPAC has recovered remains of civilians [specifically contract civilians working for the military], but never with military honors!

In fact, one time, JPAC team members conducting the recovery had to actually pay the postage to FEDEX the remains back to the family because the government would not pay for it."

Drudge, ever the slavering lap-monkey of Karl Rove and the rest of BushCo gets it wrong here as according to the JPAC website the treatment of recovered remains is the same across the board, which means that really Drudge and any other like-minded republicans are just taking this as a cheap political excuse to piss on someone's grave.

to wit, the JPAC site says this: (underlines mine)"Repatriation ceremonies are conducted to honor the sacrifice made by those individuals whose remains have been recovered. As a sign of respect, the remains are placed into an aluminum transfer case and draped with a U.S. flag. An arrival ceremony is held in Hawaii with a joint service honor guard and senior officers from each service. Veterans, community members and local active-duty military often attend the ceremonies to pay their respects as the remains are transported from a U.S. military plane to JPAC's CIL."

So, basically, Drudge and his cheesy bow-tie are making shit up in the hopes of stirring up some kind of outrage against Dean. The other thing he conveniently forgets to point out in doing this is this beit of important information: Dean is only a candidate, he holds no current office and wields no official power, so he wouldn't have the stroke to pull something like this off, but of course people like Drudge, O'Reilly and Especialy Ann "Goering-in-Miniskirt" Coulter have never been the type to let ugly little facts get in the way of a good foaming at the mouth.

Chimpy McStagger (The prez) was in town last night for some $2000 a plate fundraiser and while he was here i was feeling a few sentiments that, at the very least, were objectively pro-earthquake (since i still can't figure out why my windows were rattling on a quiet, still night)

2:11 p.m. - 2003-11-26


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