A Black Feather, A poison pen...


Mel Gibson's Cash-in on the Christ

In the interest of fairness, i was going to check the movie out until i saw some of the marketing swag associated with the movie.

Crucifixion Nail pendants?

you have got to be fucking kidding me.

I'm surprised that there aren't fast food restaurant tie-ins as well...

"The Last Value Meal"

Collect a different Apostle every week!

Somehow, i am suddenly even less impressed with the supposed reverence and gravitas involved here than i was to start with...after all, Pontius Pilate's sudden transformation from historically recognized ruthless bastard with no real qualms about crucifying people to weak-willed pawn...come on...and where in the Gospels did they drop the crucified Christ on his face? ...funny, all those years of bible study as a kid and my obsessive study of scripture before my big reverse epiphany and i don't remember that story or the one about the soldiers chaining Him up and chucking Him off a bridge

Accurate to the gospels? Please...If you believe that, you'll believe George W. Bush is a fucking rocket scientist

Anyway, back to the nail pendants... Now, i can understand maybe if you're a warped, unrepentant fucker like me, but were they not a bunch of easy marks, i would have imagined that the true believers out there would be aghast at that sort of thing...using Christ not as a prophet, but using Christ to make a profit...Mammon, anyone?

after all, i am one of those people who is of the belief that if Jesus died for my sins, i am going to make it worth his effort, similarly, the bible says that thinking about sinning and actually doing it are no different, so i figure i may as well be damned for what i've done than for just sat around imagining.

11:34 p.m. - 2004-02-29


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