A Black Feather, A poison pen...


follow the bouncing middle finger

Frankly, the Bush campaign's argument that he should use September 11, 2001 as a campaign issue to showcase his decisiveness and leadership ability is like a security guard who fell asleep at his post trying to take credit for how well he peformed in the aftermath of the bank robbery.

Karen Hughes and the rest of team Bush, in my opinion, are the prolapse in the colon of the universe.

I wouldn't reward a watchdog who rolled over and allowed a killer into my home.

Meanwhile, Ralph "spoiler" Nader has thrown his pointy little head into the mix.

It's really simple here, Nader isn't running on the Green ticket because the Green party realizes the damage he did last time around, he's running as a so-called "independent" with the backing of the tattered remains of that quasi-cult formerly known as the New Alliance Party (whom i once considered voting for before i looked into it and realized what a fright-fest that would be). I may not totally dig John Kerry, but he's the man to unseat the Chimp, and between the hits he will take from Karl Rove and the Republican slime factory (known as 85% of the media) and the damage that Nader's run can do to him, So before any of you Nader disciples come at me with that old "both parties are totally the same"" cop-out, let me ask you these questions:

  • Would Gore have gutted so many of the Environmental regs that Bush did?

  • Would Gore have appointed someone like John Ashcroft to the top of the Justice Dept.?

  • Would Gore's appointments to the Bench be the same sort of theocratic yahoos that Bush has posted to the bench?

  • Would Gore and his cabinet have ignored the warnings that outgoing National Security Advisor Sandy Berger prepared for Bush upon Clinton's departure from office about Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda the way the frequently vacationing Chimp did?

  • Would Gore have appointed a bunch of imperialist hacks left over from the Reagan and previous Bush administration to key positions of power over the Department of Defense to get us embroiled into a huge misadventure in Iraq just to make money for Dick Cheney?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, you deserve to be as appalled disgusted and horrified as another four years of Bush might cause you to be, because if we end up with another four years of that flaming fucking moron, i will hold you responsible.

    I was pulling for Dean, but since he's out, if it has to be Kerry, then I'll take him over any course of action that will abet in the continuation of the further drift of this country towards becoming the same sort of religio-fascist regime that we are supposedly fighting against.

    and while i'm on the subject of religio-fascists: Ann Coulter, who seems to think that if you are not behind BushCo means you are pro-terrorist... get this through that empty blonde head of yours you anorexic Nazi Barbiedoll, I don't want to be governed by the cross or the crescent, so you can take that idiotic argument of yours, shove it straight up where the sun is likely too scared to shine in your case and eat a bag of my cat's used litter while you are at it.

    9:53 p.m. - 2004-03-07


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