A Black Feather, A poison pen...


casting my lot

Election day here in this strange pocket of desert (as is the case in many other places)

none of the candidates who made it through the primaries were the ones i would have chosen and now i am left with the choice of putting my support behind the one who will wreak the least amount of havoc instead of selecting the one who i thought could affect the most positive change

again, there is no way in hell i would put my vote behind the republican fish... no, not by a damn sight... fifteen years of republican rule with them controlling the state house and senate have resulted in the mess this state is in now.

before the corporate-friendly "Propane" Jane Hull and her complicity in the lobbyist authored Alternative Fueled Vehicles Tax Credit (which would have been great if the rule had any teeth to it instead of paying lip service to environmental concerns) there was the crooked savings and loan operator Fife Symington who screwed a number of people out of their pensions and retirement funds and then hid his fortune under his wife's skirts to avoid having to make restitution and the dumbass racist religious fanatic Evan Mecham who managed to undo in a year's time whatever progressive image this state was on the verge of trying to build after years of being perceived as a back-ass-wards haven for hicks and rubes... Among the dishonorable Mr. Mecham's more priceless bon mots (someone tell me if i've got that usage wrong, please)

* referring to African Americans as "Pickaninnies" and defending that usage as a term of endearment he heard when he was young (yeah, so just because some of my black friends used to call me "nigga" doesn't mean i'm going to be fool enough to think it will fly on all occasions"

* his remark upon returning from a meet and greet with some politicians in japan about trade and tourism about how upon hearing about the sheer volume of golf courses in the phoenix area alone, the Japanese delegates "suddenly got round eyes when they heard those numbers"

* his repeal of the MLK memorial holiday

* his insistence that the entirety of his opposition was composed of "militant liberals and homosexuals" who were out to get him

* and (hang on to your sphincters, kids, this one is priceless) his assertion that the state's Attorney general at the time was "using laser beams to spy on his ninth floor office" in order to discredit him

(sorry, Ev, you did a fine job of that every time you opened your mouth)

so yeah, i am skatin' on outta here and heading for the polls, post-haste

5:06 p.m. - 2002-11-05


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