A Black Feather, A poison pen...


stuck in a moment

Dissection of yesterday (i am still considering this particular installment of time as i know it "saturday" so even though it is really the onset of sunday morning i am referring to friday...confused yet? heh)

got a small but decent amount of sleep thursay night, something just shy of 5-and-a-half hours, woke up early, didn't have to beat on the alarm, began to fret over the degree to which i had organized and processed the requests for all the documentation on the big project...jumped in the shower and got dressed, decided instead of taking th bus or bumming a ride i would again walk into work, fresh batteries in the walkman and the now ubiquitous and obligatory Alkaline Trio tape since there is no way in hell i was going to listen to anything that might be interrupted by commercials or do like most of what is on the radio lately...suck

got to the office and was glad i had dressed in a semi-casual manner because if the warmth of the morning and the sweat i worked up walking in hadn't defeated the purpose of my having taken a shower, the set of tasks that came next most certainly did.

spent the majority of the day moving boxes, the received responses tp all the material i had been editing, proofreading, coordinating the mailing lists and distributing.

was instructed to, if i encountered her, actively discourage the wicked witch of across the hall from trying to get into the conference room and peruse the material before the official deadline (when dealing with contract related issues, all responses to a solicitation must remain sealed until the scheduled opening time which is also the threshold beyond which no further offers or responses will be accepted - meaning that it's illegal per State law to open the stuff before the deadline or for us to accept any late entries - but it took a great deal of persuasion and hassle to get the problem lady to understand this....argh)

Spent 2 and a half hours assisting the Grey Lady in the actual opening procedure in the afternoon taking all the boxes and sorting them into some semblance of order according to their corresponding component, but thankfully not having to try and present each package in the order it was received...did my best to provide a little comic relief for myself, the Grey Lady and the corporate reps who were responding to the material and worked in a few subtle shots afterward at queen dumbass and the overpaid consultant,

by the time it was all over, i was just dead tired but then i still had the weeks grocery shopping to attend to and as such i kept grumbling quietly to myself that there was no rest for the damned

when the day was totally over and i had unpacked and put away my supplies for the week i decided to get online, the feeling of accomplishment i had gotten from surviving the sheer volume of work left me in an upbeat chatty mood (as the length and relative garrulousness of this entry can attest) helped along by the fact that my insuling was kicking in around that time too

so of course, right around then that's when Murphy and the Disciples of Gates manage to monkeywrench my plan to get on messenger and close out the day with a nice bit of conversation with that certain particular someone

normally i just reboot and try again, but this time, i lost count of how many times i tried because suddenly my good-day buzz had evaporated with the repeated attempts and the reality of all the energy i had expended caught up with me causing me to fall dead asleep with everything still running (except for Messenger) until my connection timed out for being idle too long (interestingly enough, Murphy actually did me one small favor in the midst of all the beatings he usually hands me...sometime after i crashed, the power must have gone out for awhile because everything i had left running was off and my bedside clock was flashing 12:00

as for today, it was another family gathering, i spent a good portion of the day out in my sister's backyard with my brother-in-law and the husband of one of my neices ( i guess that makes him my nephew now too, no?) playing dominoes and talking politics, so today was a pretty OK kind of day

also on the plus-side, i managed, while buying a present for said neice's oldest child, i managed to find a 2-disc + DVD edition of U2's Best of 1990-2000 (as opposed to the single disc edition which doesn't have any of the b-sides or remixes - i hadn't seen a copy like this in awhile and was afraid i had missed out, but luckily, no, there it was)

anyway, i think i have prattled on quite enough for now so this entry is officially drawn to a close...

end of line, for now

12:00 a.m. - 2003-01-26


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